Psychological First Aid

Psychological First Aid with Trinity Safety.

The Course

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The Psychological First Aid (PFA) course “equips learners in developing a personal understanding of the effects of stress, loss, trauma and grief on others, with emphasis on self-care and personal protection. Learners will be introduced to the Red Cross Look, Listen, Link, Live model – a resiliency-building approach to emotional, psychological, and social wellbeing that teaches learners how to support themselves and others to cope with the effects of various types of stress. The course primarily uses case-based learning and includes the latest evidence from the international community.” The Canadian Red Cross.

The PFA course is a great tool for those who are in a role of guiding and supporting others with the effects of stress and trauma, such as supervisors and human resource people, but the general public has also found this a deeply enriching course for their own well being.

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